What are the Driving Factors for Enterprises Behind Single Sign On (SSO) Solutions?

Single Sign-On or SSO allows system users to access a range of different devices and applications using just one set of credentials, for this reason it can be an invaluable tool for enterprises that wish to have a secure network while also making everything as easy as possible for network users.

5 Driving Factors for Enterprises Implementing SSO

1. Enhanced Security

One of the main concerns about SSO is security is reduced, as only one password is required. if that password is guessed, access to all accounts will be possible. However, as long as commonsense practices are followed, the risk of password compromises can be reduced to a low and acceptable level.

The real risk from SSO is when a weak master password is chosen. If a strong passphrase is used rather than a password, it will be practically impossible for hackers to guess the passphrase, even using brute force tactics. Security can be further enhanced with the use of multi-factor authentication (MFA).

2. Improved Staff Productivity

SSO can result in a reduction in wasted time by employees as there will be fewer support calls if employees only have one password to remember. The user experience is much improved and it takes less time to access each platform, saving five to fifteen seconds for every login completed.

The mitigation of security risks, thanks to the use of the SSO login credentials everywhere without risking security, means that countless hours will not be lost dealing with the cyberattacks. Those attacks commonly succeed due to the use of weak passwords.

4. Less Password Fatigue

Having strong, unique passwords in place for all platforms is a good way of improving security and limiting the damage in the event of password theft; however, most employees will have to remember large numbers of passwords for personal and business usage. This can lead to password fatigue and resulting issues such as employees being less enthusiastic about using additional solutions to assist with their work duties.

The advantage of SSO is users have just one password/passphrase to remember in order to complete their work across all the required platforms.

5. Improved Software Adoption Rates

There is often reluctance to using a new solution due to the prolonged sign-up process. SSO eliminates the frustration caused by this, allowing for simpler sign-up and logins. That means there is a better chance of users getting on board with new technology and software solutions.

SSO Options

  • Web SSO: A browser-based session management system. It allows consumers to access connected web properties using a single identity.
  • Mobile SSO: The same method as web SSO, except it unifies consumer sessions across multiple connected mobile applications.
  • Federated SSO:  IDPs are utilized to store and authenticate consumer identities to log in to third-party web portals, mobile applications, and more. Identity protocols such as SAML, JWT, OpenID Connect, OAuth, and Multipass are used to authenticate consumers.


Author: Maria Perez