NetSec charter of ethics and editorial independence

The principles detailed in this charter are essential to guarantee the editorial independence and quality of credible, rigorous information that are the hallmarks of publications. These principles and the provisions of the charter apply to all information media, printed, digital, audio and video, and to any activity (social networks, subsidiaries, etc.) using the NetSec title or logo.

In adherence to the founding principles of the NetSec Journalists’ Charter, our publications maintain a relationship of trust with their readers thanks to the independence of the journalists on their editorial teams. This independence (journalists’ rights and duties) is exercised in relation to political, economic, spiritual and philosophical powers.

NetSec is an information website on information technology and cyber security, open to all schools of thought and respecting democratic and republican principles. NetSec’s publications are not subordinate to any public or private influence, power or interest.

Likewise, NetSec must maintain complete freedom from economic powers of any kind. Advertising imperatives must not influence the editorial line of our site.

The purpose of this charter is to specify the rights and duties of NetSec’s journalists, and to remind the practices under which their controls are exercised.


1. Being a NetSec journalist

1.1 The NetSec journalist’s role is to seek out information for the public, verify it, place it in context, prioritize it, format it and, where appropriate, comment on it, in order to disseminate it in any form and on any medium.

1.2 They work as part of an editorial team, under the authority of the editorial director and the responsibility of the publication manager, within the framework of a defined editorial policy.

1.3 Journalists and editorial managers place the reader’s concern and the public’s right to quality information at the heart of their work. To this end, they are equally vigilant in ensuring compliance with the laws and ethical rules set out in this code.

1.4 The independence of journalists, an essential condition for free, honest and pluralist information, goes hand in hand with their responsibility.

1.5 Despite the freedom of tone on social media, journalists who are registered with them must take care not to damage the image of the title, and are invited to respect the spirit of the present charter. This principle also applies to external interventions in the media (TV, radio, etc.).


2. Information gathering and processing

2.1 NetSec journalists are above all concerned with the accuracy of the facts, actions and statements they reveal or report.

2.2 Journalists must rigorously and critically examine the information, documents, images and sounds they receive. They must first check the credibility of sources, notwithstanding the need for rapid information.

2.3 Journalists must ensure that the texts, documents and images they present have not been falsified in such a way as to distort the facts.

2.4 The origin of published information must be clearly identified. The anonymity of sources is acceptable when it serves the right to information; in this case, the journalist must answer to a superior for the nature of his or her sources.

2.5 Journalists must refrain from plagiarism. They cite their colleagues from whom they have taken information.

2.6 Journalists take care to correct errors.

2.7 External contributors to NetSec publications must be introduced and their functions explicitly stated.


3. Protection of personal rights

3.1 Journalists respect the dignity of individuals and the presumption of innocence, and take care to give a voice to those who may be implicated. They do not take advantage of the weakness or distress of people experiencing dramatic events to obtain information or documents from them.

3.2 Journalists respect people’s privacy, which cannot be violated without a valid reason and without serious work devoid of any sensationalist intent.

3.3 Within the framework of applicable laws, journalists are careful not to promote hatred or discrimination against individuals or groups. They must remain vigilant when portraying violence and exploiting emotions.


4. Ethical Standards for journalists

4.1 Journalists maintain distance from all sources of information and communication services, whether public or private. They are wary of any approach likely to create a relationship of dependence, connivance, gratitude or conflict of interest between themselves and their sources. They are vigilant in maintaining their independence and integrity. They refuse to confuse information with advertising.

4.2 Journalists do not confuse their profession with that of police officer or judge.

4.3 Journalists refrain from any lucrative activity outside the exercise of their profession that could undermine their credibility and independence.

4.4 Journalists undertake to refuse any gift, of other than symbolic value, that could compromise their independence.

4.5 Journalists may refuse to sign their article if they consider that changes made by the editor-in-chief or the publisher distort its meaning. All such cases are submitted to the Editorial Team.

4.6 Any text presenting the work of a NetSec contributor will be published in a formal editorial space clearly indicating the contributor’s status on the site. The work will be presented for information purposes, without value judgment.

4.7 NetSec journalists are free to express themselves on social networks, in compliance with the laws governing freedom of expression. They should also bear in mind that they work as part of a collective, and that their public expression may have consequences both for NetSec’s image and for the work of their colleagues. They are invited to respect the spirit of the present charter in their use of social networks, and may usefully refer to the recommendations for use made available to them.


5. NetSec Editorial Charter

NetSec publications maintain a relationship of trust with their readers. This independence (rights and duties of journalists) is exercised with regard to political, economic, spiritual and philosophical powers.

NetSec is a IT Security website, open to all schools of thought in compliance with the law. All NetSec publications are not affiliated with any political power or party. In the same way, NetSec must maintain complete freedom from economic powers of any kind. Advertising imperatives must not influence the editorial line.

Journalists organize their work (choice of subjects, gathering of information, preparation of articles, illustration and layout) under the sole authority, in fine, of the journalists and editors. NetSec journalists work under the authority of journalists and editorial directors.

NetSec is committed to defending the moral and professional interests of NetSec’s journalists, as well as the independence of the editorial staff.

NetSec implements a policy of development and diversification of its activities. These may take the form of forums, master classes, and various partnerships with public and private players. These activities must not jeopardize the independence of the editorial team or use the image, reputation and notoriety of the journal to serve exclusively commercial or political interests. The content of these activities, the people invited and the private and public players involved must be compatible with this charter and the values of NetSec.


6. NetSec Journalists’ Charter

6.1 A professional journalist may not accept for the writing of his or her articles any salary or benefits other than those provided by the media company with which he or she collaborates. Under no circumstances may a professional journalist present in editorial form the praise of a product or company in whose sale or success he or she has a material interest.

6.2 An employer may not require a professional journalist to carry out editorial advertising work.

6.3 Refusal by a journalist to carry out advertising work cannot under any circumstances be regarded as professional misconduct; such work must be the subject of a special agreement.

6.4 Outside collaborations by professional journalists in regular full-time or part-time employment must be declared in advance to each employer. If the employer considers that one or more outside collaborations is or are likely to cause him professional or moral prejudice, he may refuse to give his agreement, stating the reasons for his decision. The agreement or refusal may be called into question if the conditions that determined it are modified. In the case of collaboration of a fortuitous nature, the professional journalist may exceptionally be exempted from authorization, provided that such collaboration is in no way detrimental to the company to which he or she belongs.

6.5 External collaborations may provide additional individual training or professional practice, and contribute to the promotion of NetSec’s image. However, they must not compromise the site’s interests or the company’s image.

6.6 Non-declaration or any false declaration on the part of the professional journalist, as well as non-compliance with the provisions listed above, constitute a serious offence that may justify a sanction. The above provisions do not preclude the conclusion of special written agreements.

6.7 For information purposes, NetSec may ask professional journalists employed on an occasional basis to declare their other usual collaborations.