Terms of use

ScaleTone Limited is the “Publisher” of the present information site NetSec.news hereinafter referred to as “the Site”.

ScaleTone Limited is a LTD – Private Company Limited by Shares under Irish law with its registered office at 13 Sorrento Heights, Sorrento Road, Dalkey Co. Dublin, Dalkey,Dublin A96 YY36, Company Number:545868. The Publishing Director is Mr PJ Murray in his capacity as Chairman of ScaleTone.

You have the possibility to notify the presence of any content that you consider illicit in the contribution areas of the site at the following address: [email protected].



Access to the site’s services is subject to the user’s acceptance of these general conditions of access and use (hereinafter referred to as the general conditions). They constitute a contract between the Publisher and the user, the terms of which may be modified at any time by ScaleTone Limited without prior notice to users. The user is consequently invited to regularly consult their updated version, which is permanently accessible on the Site’s home page.

Unless otherwise agreed, any improvement to existing services or any new service will be subject to these terms and conditions. If the user does not wish to accept these general terms and conditions or any special terms and conditions for the services offered, he/she is asked to refrain from using the Site. The present general and special conditions are the only ones applicable. No tolerance may be interpreted as a waiver of any of the rights or obligations resulting from the present terms and conditions.



Site content includes the general structure, texts, images (animated or not) and sounds of which the Sites are composed.

Any total or partial representation of the Site and its contents, by any means whatsoever, without the express prior authorization of ScaleTone Limited, is prohibited and constitutes an infringement punishable by international copyright laws.

By connecting to the site, the user agrees to accept from ScaleTone Limited a license to use the content of the site strictly limited to the following imperative conditions:

  • This non-exclusive license is non-transferable;
  • The right of use granted to the user is personal and private: in other words, any reproduction of the content of the site on any medium whatsoever for collective or professional use, even internally within the company, is prohibited. The same applies to any communication of this content by electronic means, even on a company intranet or extranet;
  • This use only includes authorization to reproduce for storage for the purposes of representation on a single-user screen, and to reproduce in one copy for back-up and hard copy purposes;
  • Any other use is subject to the express prior authorization of ScaleTone Limited.

It is strictly forbidden to transmit automated requests of any kind to the Site’s systems and/or by manual means.

Violation of these provisions shall subject the offender and all persons responsible to the criminal and civil penalties provided for by French law.



The Publisher reserves the right, for maintenance reasons, to temporarily suspend access to the Services or to part of the Site’s Services without prior notice, without the unavailability of the Services giving rise to any right to compensation.

Furthermore, in view of the nature of the Internet, the user acknowledges and accepts that the Publisher cannot be held responsible for any breakdown, interruption or alteration to access to the Services which may result from the network itself, the means of connection used by the user or any other cause beyond the control of the Publisher.

The Publisher may not be held liable for any loss of customers or profits, or loss of data, and more generally for any damage suffered in particular by the user’s computer as a result of the use of, or inability to use, the Site’s services, or the acquisition, reception or downloading of information from the Site, unauthorized access to the services by another user or third party, or the modification of information or databases relating to the user, or any other use of the services.

All hardware and software required to use the Site’s services are the sole responsibility of the user.

3.1 Registration

The majority of the Site’s sections and services are accessible free of charge to all without identification.

Other content or services may be accessible free of charge to all on condition of identification. Visitors identify themselves by providing the personal information requested, or register on the Site by choosing access codes (e-mail address and password) which enable them to access identified sections via a personal area.

Certain downloadable resources on the Site may require the provision of personal data by the site user under conditions strictly defined by our Privacy Policy.

Certain features of the Site, such as certain content consultations and statistics, the posting of advertisements or the modification of advertisements, are accessible only to customers of the service subject to identification.

3.2 Registration data

The user undertakes to provide accurate, up-to-date and complete information on his/her identity, position and company, as well as any information requested in the registration form for a service or download resource offered by the Site.

The user has the right to correct and delete any personal data stored on the site, in accordance with our Privacy Policy, by sending a request by e-mail to: [email protected].

In the event that the user provides false, out-of-date or incomplete registration data, NetSec shall be entitled to suspend or terminate the user’s account without notice and to refuse the user access to all or part of the service.

3.3 Protection of personal data

Any personal data collected via this site will be processed in accordance with the conditions indicated at the time of collection.

The procedures for accessing, rectifying, modifying and deleting personal data concerning users are specified in our Privacy Policy.

Users of the Site are required to comply with the provisions of current regulations relating to personal data, the violation of which is punishable by criminal penalties. In particular, they must refrain from collecting or misusing any nominative information to which they have access, and in general, from any act likely to infringe the privacy or reputation of individuals.

Newsletter subscription

Subscription to the NetSec newsletter is free of charge. It implies the registration of the user’s personal and contact data for the purpose of sending content. The data collected is stored in accordance with our Privacy Policy. Users retain the right to access their personal data by sending a request by e-mail to: [email protected].

The User may unsubscribe from the NetSec newsletter in various ways:

  • by clicking on the unsubscribe links at the bottom of the newsletter
  • by sending an e-mail to the dedicated e-mail address [email protected]

3.4 Cookies policy

NetSec uses cookies to ensure the proper functioning and efficiency of its services, and to enable users to avoid having to identify themselves each time they access the site.

The user may refuse the use of these cookies, it being specified that such settings may modify the conditions of access to content and services requiring the use of cookies.

For more info, you can consult our cookie policy.



4.1 User obligations

The User undertakes to comply with the legal and regulatory provisions in force, and in particular not to use the Site and its associated services to write, transmit or communicate any illicit message, information or content, of any nature whatsoever, and in particular outrageous, insulting, defamatory, abusive, violent, obscene or pornographic or including incitement to discrimination or hatred based on race, religion, sex or other, an incitement to crimes and misdemeanors or an apology for crime, or of a nature to alter the operation of computer systems. The User shall refrain from any infringement of competition law.

Similarly, the User undertakes to respect the rights of third parties, in particular the right to privacy, and all intellectual property rights (copyright, neighboring rights, database rights, trademark rights, patent rights, designs or models, trade secrets, etc.).

The User further undertakes not to usurp any quality, attribute or identifier of such a nature as to mislead or create any confusion as to his/her identity.

Finally, the User undertakes not to disseminate unsolicited advertising, promotional, chain mail or other messages via the Site’s services.

4.2 User responsibility

The User is solely responsible for the use he makes of the information available on the Site and more generally for any use made of his account.

In particular, the use of information, messages or data of any kind available on the Site is the sole responsibility of the user. The decisions or actions that the user may be led to take or carry out in consideration of such information, messages or data shall not incur any liability other than the user’s own.

The user is the sole judge of the completeness and usefulness of the content consulted. He therefore undertakes to use the services with discernment and to bear the risks associated with their use.

The user agrees to submit to any measures implemented by ScaleTone Limited in application of the law in force.



5.1 Publisher’s liability

NetSec.news makes every effort to ensure the quality of the information it publishes.

However, the Publisher cannot be held responsible for messages, information or content that it has not directly created or produced, and in particular for their veracity, relevance, and in general for any errors or omissions they may contain. Consequently, the Publisher may not be held liable for any damage whatsoever that may result therefrom.

In general, the User accepts that, to the extent permitted by applicable law, the Publisher may not be held liable for any damages whatsoever, whether direct or indirect, material or immaterial, and in particular for any loss of profit or data, resulting from the use of the services or a visit to the Site.

The Publisher does not guarantee that its services will perfectly meet the User’s expectations, will not be interrupted, or will be relevant, exhaustive or error-free.

Similarly, the Publisher accepts no responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, legitimacy, reliability or availability of information contained on third-party sites referenced on its Site. The Publisher in no way guarantees the commercial success, adaptation to the User’s needs or respect for intellectual property rights of the information available on third-party sites.

5.2 Relations with advertisers or partners

Any agreement, correspondence, exchange or relationship of any nature whatsoever, in particular promotional or commercial, established between the User and an advertiser or a partner of ScaleTone Limited is only binding on the User and the advertiser or partner concerned.

Accordingly, any terms, conditions, warranties, representations, payments or deliveries arising therefrom shall be binding only upon the user and the advertiser or partner, to the total exclusion of ScaleTone Limited, which shall not be liable for any loss or damage whatsoever arising from the advertisers’ or partners’ offers or the agreements and services resulting therefrom.

5.3 Site services

In general, the user accepts that, to the extent permitted by applicable law, ScaleTone Limited shall not be liable for any damages whatsoever, whether direct or indirect, material or immaterial, and in particular for any loss of profit or data, arising out of the use of the services or a visit to the Site.

ScaleTone Limited does not warrant that, admittedly without limitation, these services will meet the user’s expectations, will not be interrupted, or will be relevant, complete or error-free.

5.4 Hypertext links

The Site, its partners or third parties may provide links to other sites or resources available on the Internet. Insofar as NetSec has no control over these sources, it cannot be held responsible for any damage of any kind whatsoever resulting from the content of these external sites or sources, and in particular from the information, products or services they offer, or from any use that may be made of these elements.



All elements on this Site (still images, animated images, databases, trademarks, illustrations, logos, drawings, models, page layouts, downloadable documents, etc.) are protected as intellectual works by international copyright and intellectual property legislation. Any reproduction, representation, adaptation or modification, in whole or in part, of any of the elements making up the Site, by any means whatsoever and for any reason whatsoever, is prohibited without the prior written authorization of the Editor, who will be prosecuted.

However, the quotation of an extract of text appearing on the present Site remains authorized and subject to certain conditions:

  • it must be short, and will be assessed according to the size of the articles, news items and features published on the Site,
  • it must be justified by its critical, polemical, educational, scientific or informative nature,
  • it must clearly indicate the Editor’s name as the source.

Any links on the Site to external sites are provided for information purposes only. The Editor cannot be held responsible for the content of these external sites.

Creation of links to the Site

Authorization to include a link to the Site does not imply authorization to reproduce all or part of the Site’s content, in particular a title or heading for the hypertext link.

It is forbidden to integrate all or part of the Site’s content into your site using the “frame” technique;

The Publisher reserves the right to request the immediate removal of any link created to its Site without having to give any particular reason.



All rights arising from the present terms and conditions may be freely and automatically assigned by ScaleTone Limited to a third party in the event of a merger, transfer or management lease.



These terms and conditions are valid for an indefinite period from the date of the user’s first visit to the Site.

NetSec.news is subject to the laws of the state of New York (USA) where the site is hosted.