GorillaStack Announces New Features Added to AWS Cost Cutting Platform

GorillaStack has announced the release of v.0.20.0 of its AWS automation platform, which includes a slew of new features to help its customers manage their AWS costs more efficiently and shave even more from their cloud bills.

The company’s cloud cost automation tools already allow users to automatically turn off EC2 instances when they are not in use and start them again when they are needed by DevOps teams. Changes to Auto Scaling groups can be scheduled to meet demand using Power Scale, billing alerts are generated when there are spikes in activity, and users gain important insights into cloud usage to help them rightsize their cloud environments.

After listening to feedback from its customers, the GorillaStack team has made several enhancements that improve efficiency, usability, and make cloud management much easier.

Five key enhancements have been made in v.0.20.0:

  • Power Cycle and Power Scale allow users to schedule EC2 instances and make changes to Auto Scaling groups, but there are often times when instant changes need to be made outside of normal schedules. GorillaStack has now included the option to run Power Cycle and Power Scale on demand.
  • GorillaStack has added new notifications that advise teams when Power Cycle and Power Scale have been cancelled or paused, with messages sent via email, HipChat, or Slack.
  • A new team page has been added to make Team and Account access management more straightforward.
  • It is now optional to set a start time for Power Cycle, which is ideal for cases with low utilization of resources.
  • Consolidated billing accounts are now supported on the AWS cost dashboard.

Customers have been requested to keep sending comments and feedback so the development team can make further improvements to help customers shave even more from their cloud bills and further simplify the management and automation of AWS services.

Author: Richard Anderson

Richard Anderson is the Editor-in-Chief of NetSec.news