FittedCloud Adds New Anomaly Detection Capability for EBS, EC2 and DynamoDB

FittedCloud has announced it has introduced new anomaly detection capabilities for EBS, EC2, and DynamoDB that generate near real time alerts about abnormal resource provisioning changes.

The benefits of using use public cloud environments are clear but use of the cloud is not without risk. Just as cyberattacks can occur on physical servers and networks, malicious attacks can occur in the cloud. If identity and access management (IAM) keys are stolen or exposed, malicious actors can create additional compute and storage resources to cause financial harm. When these attacks occur, and hundreds of additional resources are created, organizations can incur significant costs.

It is not possible to reduce the risk of these attacks to zero, but FittedCloud’s anomaly detection capabilities will ensure that any such attacks are detected in near real time. The alerts provide all the necessary information to allow organizations to take action, including the location of the resources, the credentials used, and other relevant information. When an attack occurs, the resources can be deprovisioned and login credentials changed to lock out the attacker and financial losses can be limited.

It is not only cyberattacks that can result in abnormal changes to resource provisioning. Human error, such as programming mistakes, can similarly see significant numbers of additional resources created which can dramatically increase costs. Such errors may also have a negative impact on resources required for critical business applications.

FittedCloud’s cost optimization solution has predictive analytics capabilities that can identify anomalous data patterns and alert customers when infrastructure resources are abnormal, such as when additional EC2 resources are created, or when EBS capacity exceeds typical levels, or when more data is uploaded to S3 buckets than normal.

By utilizing the new anomaly detection capabilities, organizations can effectively mitigate financial risk in addition to optimizing cloud resources to eliminate wasted spending and ensure compute and storage resources closely match business needs.

Author: Richard Anderson

Richard Anderson is the Editor-in-Chief of